Hey everyone I know this page isn’t alive as much as the others are but I’ve read enough articles on this so now I want some opinions. Please help me if you can, first off I know some have been through NG+ multiple times but I only have time to play what I can when I can due to my job being in healthcare and being wiped out when I get home. With that said I haven’t made it through the entire story yet because yes I’ve been waiting on mods to come over to the Xbox and paying leisurely, now that they are here and that the first major DLC is coming in 29 days I am gonna try my best to beat all of it before the first dlc comes, anyway I know that a main character dies towards the end on the High Price To Pay. Here’s the question, who would you let die because honestly right now I do like all the constellation characters……so I’m having a hard time choosing. Who should I let die in my first go around?