It seems I'm the only one on this wiki... anyway, I feel like we got cheated on the companion department. So many great characters with so much potential, none of which are in Constellation.
I'll start with my favorite recruitable Crew member, Jessamine Griffin. I always recruit her and travel with her. She's fun to have around and being a pirate, she's not going to be pissed at every decision I make unlike the self-righteous Constellation members. Unfortunately, not being a main companion, she's limited to a comment when you arrive at a planet and that's it... not counting speaking with her. No quest, no reaction to decisions, etc.
Next is perhaps my favorite character overall in Starfield, Huan Daiyu. She's Han Solo if Han Solo was not a Republic lackey and was badass. She's great with a gun and is perhaps the best smuggler in the game (sorry Jessamine). She's also extremely charismatic and would have made an excellent companion.
There's many more but I'll stop here for now to not make it too long.