Which ship you recomended ? I mean ship without you can't play this game ? Im curious about yours opinion
Which ship you recomended ? I mean ship without you can't play this game ? Im curious about yours opinion
Which Space game, movie or show you think has the best look?
If there is one area where Starfield did a great job, is in the aesthetic department. The way the ships look, both inside and out, make more sense than the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, and so on.
The worlds, the way there many planets where the gravity is different unlike Star Wars where it seems every planet has the same gravity. The TIE fighter ships make no sense, where's the motor? the engine? how can a ship like that fly so fast in both space and in a planet's atmosphere? It's just a cockpit with wings.
In starfield, every ship needs a Grav Drive, a Reactor, an Engine, Fuel tanks, Cockpit, and so on... things every spaceship, no matter the Universe, should need. Of course, you can change the grav drive for whatever version the respective Universe has to travel between planets but where do you fit similar things on a TIE fighter?
What do you think? do you prefer another style?
Inspired by a couple of questions I saw, I created a new character and started from scratch to test just how fast you can build a ship that is worth flying. I'm sure that there are people who can tell you exactly how to improve on this, but I'm going to tell you how the average beginner player can do this in a way that might make it more enjoyable for them as early in the game as possible.
To begin with, I simply modified the Frontier (your starter ship) and didn't buy a new one. To give myself an advantage towards the skills I needed, I started out with the Bounty Hunter background. That gives you 3 slots in Tech to begin with and you're going to be working on improving you slots so that you can get Starship Design, which is tier 3. You can get to level 1 in that skill when you hit level 6 in the game. This will allow you to buy the Tokomak X-150 reactor, which can provide 20 power. After this, you'll be striving to make level 4 in Starship Design, but it will take level 12 in the game before you can buy the Tokomak X-120S, which can provide 28 power. These are both available at Akila.
As a way of gaining levels and cash, I suggest that you can get there by pursuing the main story and using it to show you some great opportunities. The very first thing the game does is to have Sarah take you to talk to an NPC as MAST about a lead on an artifact. That person will try to recruit you into the Vanguard. Joining the Vanguard will help you in several ways. First, the mission they give you, once completed, will grant you access to better weapons for your ship. Secondly, it gives you access to the flight simulator, so you can level up your Piloting and Targeting skills by fighting ships without having to go and hunt down pirates in space. Simulator kills count towards skills challenges and cost you nothing.
There are lots of ways that you can gather XP and cash early in the game. I suggest doing the Mantis mission and maybe a few of the missions offered from those silly little machines in the bars and coffee shops. If you stop in the one right at the Spaceport in New Atlantis, be sure to say hello to the Hunter early in the game, as he likes to hang out there. Don't worry, he doesn't bite...yet.
Anyway, I managed to prove that by the time I was level 12, I was able to modify the starter ship with a reactor that had a power of 28, I'll include an image here of what I turned it into, but the top speed is 150, 100 maneuvering and those Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojectors are something that will last you the rest of the game (yes, I have 6 of them mounted there). From here, I will only add better shields and such as the game permits, but it will take me quite a bit before I can significantly improve on this. Many of the best modules require you to be high level to access them. With this ship, I can tackle most of the ships I will encounter in the game unless I get jumped by something really big (in which case, I will be glad that I saved often).
Good luck and have fun!
The cheapest ship available for purchase in the game is the Watchdog, manufactured by HopeTech, with a base price of 42000 credits. I once wondered at what minimum price it would be possible to make a ship capable for battle. For myself, I added a condition that all 3 weapon slots be filled. I had a spare captured Crimson Fleet Ghost on hand and used that as a base. The Control Station hub does not directly affect the ability to fight; moreover, at low levels there is no way to unlock the Ship Command skill and a large number of crew slots are useless.
Construction took place around a single HopeTech Storeroom 1x1 hub. I left the old Armstrong 10 Cockpit, its price is the lowest. Left Hope 4 Landing Bay, Hope 5 Landing Gear. I installed the cheapest 330T Stellarator Reactor, the SGD 1100 Grav Drive is slightly more expensive than the cheapest NG150 Grav Drive, but I chose it for the rear mounting point for the engine. Amun-1 Engine is more expensive than the cheapest White Dwarf 1000 Engine, but the mounting method of the latter requires installation in pairs for balance. On both sides I installed a pair of Hope 6 Landing Gear. 10S Protector Shield Generator, 100G He3 Tank, Extender Port 200 Docker on top.
The weapons chosen were Flare 15MW IR Laser, Mauler 104L Cannon, CE-09 Missile Launcher. The laser cannon can be replaced with the Dragon 221 MW Laser, its price is the same, but is sold only in the UC sector. Vanguard Tempest CE-13 Missile Launcher is cheaper, but requires completing faction quests and consumes more energy, which is important for controlling power distribution at the weakest reactor. The cannons were installed on mounting points on the landing gears, and the missile launcher was mounted on the Equipment Plate.
The resulting ship looked like a light helicopter with a float landing gear. For testing, I chose the previously taken mission to destroy the Crimson Fleet Phantom or Haunt. After the jump, I discovered that the pirate ship was in the company of low-level 3 Bounty Hunters Ecliptic Stiletto and 3 Bounty Defenders Spacer Raccoon/Raven/Scarab targeting it. Remembering the humiliating first encounters with Eclipse on the Frontier, I didn’t expect a good result, I just wanted to see how the ship would perform in battle and how long it would last. Having attacked the pirate ship, apparently I hit one of the defenders, so after its destruction I was attacked by all 6 hunters, blown up me in the blink of an eye. Loading the autosave after the jump, I focused on destroying as many mercenaries as possible while they were busy with the pirate. Managed to destroy 2 Stiletto before taking over all the aggro. In a 1 vs 4 battle, I managed to destroy another one and fled, hiding behind asteroids. Twice the ship's HP dropped to 10% or lower, but I somehow managed to get away, take cover and partially repair it. Yes, this is on normal difficulty, but I did not expect that this boat assembled from junk would show such a result.
I didn't use laser or ballistic cannons on my main ships, so the skills for them were zero. At that time, the character also did not have the shield enhancement skill; I relied on the bonus from the crew members, who had no place on board during this test flight. Missiles were installed only on some ships and as an auxiliary weapon; there was no skill on them. This time I had to use everything I had, considering the weak weapons, the missiles made a good contribution.
After the test, I assumed that for such a light ship three points of support were enough. Left only two Hope 6 Landing Gear Fore. From the point of view of a ship builder, 2 of them are enough, but common sense says three. The result was a ship with a base price of 31575 credits, 206 mass, 42 mobility, jump range 17 LY.
After looking at the price of parts from different manufacturers, I paid attention to Deimos Staryards Inc. I moved the test ship to Gagarin and replaced some of the modules with parts from Deimos. 120LD Landing Bay and a pair of 220CB side landing gear were installed. Since the landing gear and cockpit did not have weapon mounting points, Deimos Spine C was installed instead of the Equipment Plate. The ship turned out to be slightly cheaper and heavier, 31225 credits, with a mass of 209 and mobility of 41.
Later I tried to build such a ship completely from scratch. For the rear support I chose Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear. Lowest price, relatively lightweight, mounting points on 5 sides, no level requirements. As a result, using Deimos modules, it was possible to assemble a ship with NG150 Grav Drive. Base price 31025, mass 208, mobility 41.
The question may arise why the cockpit from Deimos is not used. The DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit is priced the same as the Armstrong 10 Cockpit. But if you try to simply replace one with the other in the ship builder, Phobos Cockpit will be highlighted in red and will not be installed in the same place. The Phobos Cockpit has a ledge at the bottom with a point for mounting a weapon; if you try to attach it to the 1x1 hub above the 120LD Landing Bay, the cockpit will collide with the upper surface of the 120LD. You can get around this using a trick/glitch for installing a cockpit on a Privateer or Ecliptic Falcata: temporarily install a hub above the target one, attach the cockpit to it, remove the temporary hub, select the cockpit and it will attach to the lower hub without warning.
Here's an example with a DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit and one Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam installed. Price 28200, weight 204, mobility 43. If the 1x1 hub is replaced with some 2x1 hub, the length will be greater than the length of the 120LD Landing Bay, so the Phobos Cockpit will be installed without tricks and the lower weapon mounting point under the cockpit will be accessible, overall the ship will be more practical. Plus 300 credits, plus 3 to the mass.
Why is such a ship needed? This design can be used as an interceptor, short-range reconnaissance vessel or for short-term short-range patrols, given that there are no amenities for a long stay on board. For the very poor.
Is there any point in modding the ship you get at the begining in only about 5 hours in and im more exploreing than doingnthe story rite now. Or would it be a waste of credits?
I'm curious to know what yall have named your ships, I've only gotten two so far and the first one was named Alex's Hayday in honor of Alex Hay and then my other ship is inspired from the book blood meridian so I'm curious as to what yall came up with.
Just a tip for anyone who steals a ship from pirates or spacers; it pays to check through the ship (cargo hold & interior!) for contraband before traveling to UC or Freestar space, where you'd be scanned. I've been caught twice by this .
So I’m apart of a group on Facebook called Starfield community. In this page I saw where one person has already gone through the game entirely then turned around and did a New Game Plus up to like 10 times. I have read somewhere that if you did a new game plus it would take maybe 90 minutes to complete. But when you start NG+ you get what’s called Starborn Space suit; each time you do a NG+ you get a variation from that from what I have read. Each time a NG+ is started the Starborn Space Suit is a different variation with different stats. A) can someone confirm this or is this a bunch of hog wash? I also know you get different variations of a space ship as well. B) Is it smart to play the game in it’s entirety first before grinding out NG+ for those space armor sets? I know you keep the skills I believe but everything else starts over. Can someone help me out with this, cause now I am interested in all the NG+ rewards. I’m only at level 10 and almost 24 hours in. Barely touched the main story yet because I’m exploring and side quests, all while looting trying to get some good weapons and maybe a good ship down the road.