Looking for some advice on how to access the Tul’Shahk Monastery in shattered space as it seems an important/interesting location from in game details but I am yet to come across it…
Looking for some advice on how to access the Tul’Shahk Monastery in shattered space as it seems an important/interesting location from in game details but I am yet to come across it…
There is only one problem that starfield has. Its storyline. Its story is boring and has nothing special about it. Some of the faction missions of arguably better with their story. There is really no antagonist which is practically a requirement for any story. And if you say the Starborn, well you really only encounter them after a pretty good chunk of the game and they really don’t do anything. All you do is kill them. There is no story behind it. Starfield had so much potential but never took it.
So when talking about Starfield, I feel it's important to understand where Bethesda was coming from when they made the world of the game. After all this was suppose to be an original new IP, so the bar was set very high. What we actually got in my opinion failed to capture the imagination and create realistic/believable future.
First let's talk about Battlestar Galactica. The hit Sci-fi television series of the 2000s which has garnered a huge fanbase and is often considered one of the best series ever made. To me when I hear how decisions were made in Starfield with a focus on staying on a more "realistic design" and having no aliens, just humans. It sounds like Battlestra Galactica. And the similarities don't stop there.
I bring this up because I know people have mentioned the more obvious points that's Starfield took from *cough* Mass Effect *cough*, but in terms of world it bares a resemblance of a mix of Starship Troopers, meets both old and new Battlestar Galactica.
For the most part the United Colonies is essentially the United Colonies of Kobol. Except in Starfield instead of tieing it to an interesting new religion that the player can explore and understand how this world develop under their religion... instead it's just United Colonies. Just a very boring sterile comparison of what actually feels like a working breathing military force in Galatica. The UC is boring and lacks personality since we never really interact with anybody.
Another thing that is different is the architecture and fashion, basically culture. Or rather the lack of. Starfield has a huge lack of expression, no outfits are slightly sexy or attractive, uni-sex clothing, heck not even really dresses are in this future. Believe it or not Bethesda not everyone likes to look the same, so they strive to look unique and have some sense of style.
This game has everyone wearing the same boring outfits with lack of any personality. And speaking of a lack of personality, let's look at the Freestar Collective.
This is a photo of Battlestar Galactica from the 1970s. Look familiar? Well if you guess "Hey that's the Freestar Rangers" you'd be correct. So instead of looking to do something completely new, Bethesda just looked at both versions of Battlestar Galactica and said "I want both"? Evidently, yes. While on a surface level I think it's actually a neat idea to take both versions and see if you can make it work in the same universe, Bethesda did a real poor job bending the styles together.
This issue being that both styles are radically different from each other and don't feel like a natural evolution of the same species. The Freestar Rangers feel like they beyong in a Fallout game, or even Outer Worlds, but it just clashes with the UC and feels way to specific.
Now I'd be willing to forgive the weird leap in logic, if the Freestar Rangers was this idealistic military with badass conventional attractive men and cool vakyrie type conventionally attractive women. This would at least give them a flash token and a fun little 1960s-70s feel of Sci-fi. Instead I just feel nothing.
Look it's cool they took inspiration from Battlestar Galactica, after all it is one of my top five favorite Sci-fi series of all time, but I just don't think they captured the emotional impact they wanted. What made Battlestar Galactica really work, was the complexity of morally grey characters, the state of humanity in a war. It's military war drama, and instead of having that be the main focus. Bethesda just says it happend off screen.
Imagine how cool it would be if the main story of Starfield wasn't the Unity or any of this Starborn things. I stead it was a war drama as the Settle Systems is in the middle of a bloody war. The three major factions fight over control, and you the player gets to experience all of them, and near the end of the game you get a choice in determining Galactic politics. Now that would be Game of the Year worthy
Hey is anyone else having audio issues? I installed some mods and for some reason I have zero audio from the game.
So latest Patch came out today and the stuff they added is good like ammo crafting, tiered melee weapons, melee weapon modding, bug fixes and many other things like mod support, creation club content and the shattered space trailer.
104 Votes in Poll
Are there any cruisers, destroyer, battleship, etc ships in this game. I’m hoping to take part in massive battles in space and on ground. Was wondering if this is something similar to that.
88 Votes in Poll
Complete with salami, American Cheese, and lettuce. If anyone's curious, it tastes like exploration, adventure, and mostly salami.
Please be gentle, this is my first ever post...
Inspired by a couple of questions I saw, I created a new character and started from scratch to test just how fast you can build a ship that is worth flying. I'm sure that there are people who can tell you exactly how to improve on this, but I'm going to tell you how the average beginner player can do this in a way that might make it more enjoyable for them as early in the game as possible.
To begin with, I simply modified the Frontier (your starter ship) and didn't buy a new one. To give myself an advantage towards the skills I needed, I started out with the Bounty Hunter background. That gives you 3 slots in Tech to begin with and you're going to be working on improving you slots so that you can get Starship Design, which is tier 3. You can get to level 1 in that skill when you hit level 6 in the game. This will allow you to buy the Tokomak X-150 reactor, which can provide 20 power. After this, you'll be striving to make level 4 in Starship Design, but it will take level 12 in the game before you can buy the Tokomak X-120S, which can provide 28 power. These are both available at Akila.
As a way of gaining levels and cash, I suggest that you can get there by pursuing the main story and using it to show you some great opportunities. The very first thing the game does is to have Sarah take you to talk to an NPC as MAST about a lead on an artifact. That person will try to recruit you into the Vanguard. Joining the Vanguard will help you in several ways. First, the mission they give you, once completed, will grant you access to better weapons for your ship. Secondly, it gives you access to the flight simulator, so you can level up your Piloting and Targeting skills by fighting ships without having to go and hunt down pirates in space. Simulator kills count towards skills challenges and cost you nothing.
There are lots of ways that you can gather XP and cash early in the game. I suggest doing the Mantis mission and maybe a few of the missions offered from those silly little machines in the bars and coffee shops. If you stop in the one right at the Spaceport in New Atlantis, be sure to say hello to the Hunter early in the game, as he likes to hang out there. Don't worry, he doesn't bite...yet.
Anyway, I managed to prove that by the time I was level 12, I was able to modify the starter ship with a reactor that had a power of 28, I'll include an image here of what I turned it into, but the top speed is 150, 100 maneuvering and those Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojectors are something that will last you the rest of the game (yes, I have 6 of them mounted there). From here, I will only add better shields and such as the game permits, but it will take me quite a bit before I can significantly improve on this. Many of the best modules require you to be high level to access them. With this ship, I can tackle most of the ships I will encounter in the game unless I get jumped by something really big (in which case, I will be glad that I saved often).
Good luck and have fun!
The cheapest ship available for purchase in the game is the Watchdog, manufactured by HopeTech, with a base price of 42000 credits. I once wondered at what minimum price it would be possible to make a ship capable for battle. For myself, I added a condition that all 3 weapon slots be filled. I had a spare captured Crimson Fleet Ghost on hand and used that as a base. The Control Station hub does not directly affect the ability to fight; moreover, at low levels there is no way to unlock the Ship Command skill and a large number of crew slots are useless.
Construction took place around a single HopeTech Storeroom 1x1 hub. I left the old Armstrong 10 Cockpit, its price is the lowest. Left Hope 4 Landing Bay, Hope 5 Landing Gear. I installed the cheapest 330T Stellarator Reactor, the SGD 1100 Grav Drive is slightly more expensive than the cheapest NG150 Grav Drive, but I chose it for the rear mounting point for the engine. Amun-1 Engine is more expensive than the cheapest White Dwarf 1000 Engine, but the mounting method of the latter requires installation in pairs for balance. On both sides I installed a pair of Hope 6 Landing Gear. 10S Protector Shield Generator, 100G He3 Tank, Extender Port 200 Docker on top.
The weapons chosen were Flare 15MW IR Laser, Mauler 104L Cannon, CE-09 Missile Launcher. The laser cannon can be replaced with the Dragon 221 MW Laser, its price is the same, but is sold only in the UC sector. Vanguard Tempest CE-13 Missile Launcher is cheaper, but requires completing faction quests and consumes more energy, which is important for controlling power distribution at the weakest reactor. The cannons were installed on mounting points on the landing gears, and the missile launcher was mounted on the Equipment Plate.
The resulting ship looked like a light helicopter with a float landing gear. For testing, I chose the previously taken mission to destroy the Crimson Fleet Phantom or Haunt. After the jump, I discovered that the pirate ship was in the company of low-level 3 Bounty Hunters Ecliptic Stiletto and 3 Bounty Defenders Spacer Raccoon/Raven/Scarab targeting it. Remembering the humiliating first encounters with Eclipse on the Frontier, I didn’t expect a good result, I just wanted to see how the ship would perform in battle and how long it would last. Having attacked the pirate ship, apparently I hit one of the defenders, so after its destruction I was attacked by all 6 hunters, blown up me in the blink of an eye. Loading the autosave after the jump, I focused on destroying as many mercenaries as possible while they were busy with the pirate. Managed to destroy 2 Stiletto before taking over all the aggro. In a 1 vs 4 battle, I managed to destroy another one and fled, hiding behind asteroids. Twice the ship's HP dropped to 10% or lower, but I somehow managed to get away, take cover and partially repair it. Yes, this is on normal difficulty, but I did not expect that this boat assembled from junk would show such a result.
I didn't use laser or ballistic cannons on my main ships, so the skills for them were zero. At that time, the character also did not have the shield enhancement skill; I relied on the bonus from the crew members, who had no place on board during this test flight. Missiles were installed only on some ships and as an auxiliary weapon; there was no skill on them. This time I had to use everything I had, considering the weak weapons, the missiles made a good contribution.
After the test, I assumed that for such a light ship three points of support were enough. Left only two Hope 6 Landing Gear Fore. From the point of view of a ship builder, 2 of them are enough, but common sense says three. The result was a ship with a base price of 31575 credits, 206 mass, 42 mobility, jump range 17 LY.
After looking at the price of parts from different manufacturers, I paid attention to Deimos Staryards Inc. I moved the test ship to Gagarin and replaced some of the modules with parts from Deimos. 120LD Landing Bay and a pair of 220CB side landing gear were installed. Since the landing gear and cockpit did not have weapon mounting points, Deimos Spine C was installed instead of the Equipment Plate. The ship turned out to be slightly cheaper and heavier, 31225 credits, with a mass of 209 and mobility of 41.
Later I tried to build such a ship completely from scratch. For the rear support I chose Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear. Lowest price, relatively lightweight, mounting points on 5 sides, no level requirements. As a result, using Deimos modules, it was possible to assemble a ship with NG150 Grav Drive. Base price 31025, mass 208, mobility 41.
The question may arise why the cockpit from Deimos is not used. The DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit is priced the same as the Armstrong 10 Cockpit. But if you try to simply replace one with the other in the ship builder, Phobos Cockpit will be highlighted in red and will not be installed in the same place. The Phobos Cockpit has a ledge at the bottom with a point for mounting a weapon; if you try to attach it to the 1x1 hub above the 120LD Landing Bay, the cockpit will collide with the upper surface of the 120LD. You can get around this using a trick/glitch for installing a cockpit on a Privateer or Ecliptic Falcata: temporarily install a hub above the target one, attach the cockpit to it, remove the temporary hub, select the cockpit and it will attach to the lower hub without warning.
Here's an example with a DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit and one Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam installed. Price 28200, weight 204, mobility 43. If the 1x1 hub is replaced with some 2x1 hub, the length will be greater than the length of the 120LD Landing Bay, so the Phobos Cockpit will be installed without tricks and the lower weapon mounting point under the cockpit will be accessible, overall the ship will be more practical. Plus 300 credits, plus 3 to the mass.
Why is such a ship needed? This design can be used as an interceptor, short-range reconnaissance vessel or for short-term short-range patrols, given that there are no amenities for a long stay on board. For the very poor.
I'm a Fallout fan. Not to mention other games by Bethesda. But, this game's bugs are ruining the experience. I end a quest, get distracted by other quests, revisit the first quest only to find it bugged.
Sorry! Needed to vent! I'm on Xbox. I should know better being an experienced Bethesda gamer. Still, super frustrating! There's missions I can't complete because I didn't realize something was wrong before
Okay having the dlss option in game now has improved literally everything graphics wise. I am so glad they introduced it into this update. Everything looks even more beautiful along with even having better framerate. I would seriously recommend getting the beta test off steam if you have pc
So in my Space Scoundrel run I was able to sell my Survey Data to Vladimir when I completed survey planets to 100% early on. However In my Industrialist run that I am doing now, I can’t find that option to sell it to him. I have completed about half of the Sol system as a whole. I have completed Mercury, Venus, Mars, and several of Saturn’s moons 100%. I went to the eye to talk to Vladimir, and none of the selling option not showing up. I have done several temples where you find the powers.
Hello all, I’m always hitting to wrong buttons when I play, so I’m looking for a pdf showing the keyboard commands for PC. Anyone wish to share?
Biggest bugs effecting me are items falling through homes, after spending hours decorating 😂 waypoint and mission markers and items seemingly missing from chests. Honestly, loving the game but just noticing the overall playability isn’t there whether it’s feeling lost, no use of even a compass at the top similar to Skyrim, or being at full capacity in my inventory. Once accepting I need to treat Starfield like Skyrim and save save save, just in case, has saved me from bugs and issues countless times.
Biggest issue I have with playability is being over-encumbered. I’m very use to this from Skyrim and Fallouts and I understand not wanting players to pick up everything they see but surely the effects on the player weren’t always this severe. After 10 mins of my player about to collapse I’m finding it hard to see straight myself the visual and affects on player are just too much. Having to try and find the sweet spot between moving and walking, the spot between creeping forward and about to collapse is making me want to turn it off. I’ve also managed to get a huge 75% resources weight decrease from the Mantis armour however this has seemed to make no difference whether it’s adventuring or outpost building the whole time I’m unable to see my o2 my screen is just flashing red.
Hopefully there is an improvement to the whole idea of over-encumbered and the navigation system. Just the feeling of being lost or passing out are the biggest ones for me, even having the ability to simply walk forward fully without having the effects and without having the hold a position to keep me moving but also keep your player alive is a killer.
I wondering if anyone else has this problem?
I can't find the satellite to fix it.
There is no indication to where it is
So I was building my character and I landed on captain Jack for the name, I was just droning my way through the rest of the early game stuff and then it happened. When I borded the frontier for the first time HE SAID MY NAME! He did do the usual greeting. He full on Said Welcome Aboard Captain Jack! It was so fulfilling to hear this, I just had to share it with you guys. I wonder what other names he can say?