Boosted movement speed. Made resources weightless. Increased vendor inventories and credits. Disabled injuries. Much less of a grind fest now.
Never forget they made multiple essay length posts about how creation club was not paid mods and they would never endorse a paid mods system, and have now gone and made a direct, undeniable paid mods system.
What about it is awesome?
It is an incredibly nothing location. Nothing but prefab plastic and metal buildings. Again the vanguard questline shines through though, the abandoned mine and red devil hq were cooler locations than anything in the actual city.
Oh the main story and radiant quests were ass. But that doesn’t mean the methods of presentation themselves were incorrect, I just don’t agree with that.
As for what I’ve liked. I already mentioned the New Atlantis museum. The present but believable bias, the dynamic between these factions and how they shape one another was an absolute delight. I enjoy being able to talk with npcs and find something worth my time at almost any location with non-generics.
Halo 1 had full video cutscenes. The non-shitty star wars battlefront games had cutscenes. This isn’t so much an issue of the times as an issue of you not liking this particular form of delivery. I, again, do not mind it.
We aren’t going to agree on the world being outright bad either, I maintain that the world is one of the most redeeming aspects of this game. Just the other day I popped by Titan, got a tour of the first permanent human settlement off of earth from a boss who sounds like a used car salesman, scared away tourists with a monster suit and got into a fight with a dude who doesn’t want his family moving to the goddurn big city. This is where the game shines in my book, and feels a bit more like oblivion, you can just go somewhere and be sure you’ll find something memorable.
Cutscenes have never been the way Bethesda likes to present story, and I don’t mind that.
^Amen, what an utter waste of a major settlement.
^^All of these would be improvements, but my biggest issues are the generally bad resource system and the boring ass planets. Your critiques here aren’t critiques to do with modernity, they’re just elements you liked.
I like dated, frankly, it makes them stand out. Starfield had a lot of issues but that has a lot more to do with starting a fresh IP with no precedents and decisions already made, and the awful content mill aspect of their philosophy that came about in Skyrim than with something wrong with core environmental design I would argue.
And I also played cyberpunk early, I’m not slinging shit arbitrarily, I hated seeing crowds of duplicate npcs who do nothing but pathfind in a circle next to their triplets. The focuses of that game were very strange and I have my own share of issues with it.
I’ve heard the updates improve it a bit, but there used to be five of them, and you’d see duplicates everywhere.
Absolute facts. It’s certainly near the peak for me, and the hill I will die on is that Bethesda has never made another dlc that could even try to step to Shivering Isles.
I’m talking specifically about the god awful generic npcs who walk around in circles and do nothing. Hate them.
I’m definitely plopping in a music mod when one drops. Even in Skyrim I got some Oblivion music mixed in, might be the only BGS soundtrack game that tops it… And I swear I don’t mean to keep shilling oblivion, lmao.
They gotta implement some of that Oblivion randomness with events that are more than just two npcs talking to each other awkwardly. This had the same issue cyberpunk did for me, a city filled with non-interactive generic npcs who do nothing is a city filled with props, not characters. Let them DO stuff. Create a variety of periodic events. Let them have set interactions.
Very true. Reading the articles on them is almost funny with the wild count of ballistics.
For a long while an M rating was a badge of honor, it meant your title had the 2010s grit everyone loved at the time. And as I understand it, if you ask the ESRB for a rating they’ll never say “it should be lower, actually.”
Extremely, but paid mods in general are a violation of their previous promises when they launched CC.
Well, we have mods now so I plopped in the community patch real quick. I still occasionally crash but only with really long sessions. It seems to have also decreased loading times significantly, that or a BGS update. Combined with some QoL mods and small things like making airlock doors move faster, it’s become much less annoying to play.
I mean. Why not? The UC has a good bit of variety, but I would agree the core themes boil down to “professional military,” “industrial science” and “all the bureaucracy.” As for the cowboy thing, I mean… clearly you guys haven’t been to the American south, lol. This kinda thing’s prevalent, especially among American Libertarians, who are kind of obviously part of the basis of the FREESTAR collective. If earth fell apart, why would a group of people dedicated to being outside of bureaucracy not take inspiration from the trappings of libertarians and general outlaw media? I have a lot of problems with this game, but the factions are very far from the top.
Some of this already exists. Planets with a fog limiting visibility and heat hazards are both present. I agree some greater interactivity would be neat, say, migration of animals increasing their amounts, asteroid strikes, or something like the volcano eruptions you mention.