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Starfield Wiki

The Crimson Fleet Phantom III is a ship in Starfield.


Modified version of Achilles III ship.


A common way to acquire Crimson Fleet Phantom III by capturing it in space battle. If you have access to The Key, you can buy ship there.


Category Part Quantity
Reactor 154MM Toroidal Reactor 1
Engine Ares DT60 Engine 2
Shield Bastille S83 Shield Generator 1
Docker 110DP Docker - Top 1
Grav Drive R-4000 Alpha Grav Drive 1
Fuel Tanks M10 Ulysses He3 Tank 1
Weapons Singe 4MW Laser 1
Mauler 105U Autocannon 2
Atlatl 280A Missile Launcher 1
Cockpit DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit 1
Landing Bay 120LD Landing Bay 1
Gear 220 CB Landing Gear 2 (1 port, 1 stbd)
NG-20 Landing Gear - Fore 1
Cargo 200CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold 1
Habs Deimos All-in-One Berth 3x1 1
Structural Deimos Spine D - Fore 1
Deimos Wing A 2 (1 port, 1 stbd)