Starfield Wiki

Deception is an Advanced Social Skill. It improves Smuggling and Piracy.


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Convince 5 ships to surrender. Ships 10% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 10% less effective.
2 Convince 10 ships to surrender. Ships 20% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 20% less effective.
3 Convince 20 ships to surrender. Ships 30% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 30% less effective.
4 N/A Ships 50% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 50% less effective.

Progression and Strategy[]

Deception isn't hard to level as long as the player is proactive in the pirating scene.

Deception is fantastic for both Pirating and Smuggling. The risks of Piracy are getting the player's ship blown up, or blowing up the targeted ship and losing a lot of its cargo. Deception reduces the odds of both of these. As per Smuggling, Deception is not a substitute for shielded cargo bays or similar ship modifications, but can still assist in making Smuggling more lucrative. As scans are ultimately the only thing standing between the player and smuggling revenues (since the Trade Authority will buy anything) it partially addresses the primary risk of smuggling. Outside of these two areas, Deception isn't very useful.

