- Not to be confused with Deimos, one of the moons of Mars.
Deimos Staryards Inc is a corporation that manufactures ships and ship modules. Its headquarters is Deimos Staryard, a starstation orbiting the moon Deimos, and it also runs the mining operation within the UC colony of Cydonia on Mars.
Deimos Staryards Inc is the second-oldest starship manufacturer in the Settled Systems, having been founded sometime after Nova Galactic. In 2112, the company constructed the colony of Cydonia, humanity's first extra-terrestrial settlement, on Mars to host a mining operation to obtain the metal it needed to build its ships.citation needed Deimos still relies almost entirely on Cydonia for raw material in 2330.citation needed
After the creation of the United Colonies in 2159, Deimos became the principal supplier of ships for the UC Navy and other UC military divisions.citation needed Deimos ships maintain a reputation for ruggedness and reliability in combat in 2330, but their designs are no longer considered cutting-edge compared to those produced by Taiyō Astroneering and Stroud-Eklund.citation needed
Deimos and the UC are dependent on each other to the point that if one of the two should ever fail, it would likely bring the other down as well, but this has not stopped Deimos from continuing to go all-in on the relationship.citation needed Deimos has pledged to never accept any contracts from the Freestar Collective, although by UC law the company will sell products to any civilian regardless of nationality provided they pass a required background check.citation needed
- Class A
- Class B
- Class C
- Class M (cannot be captured)
Ship Modules[]
- 100DB Slim Docker - Bottom
- 120LD Landing Bay
- Deimos Belly - Aft
- Demios Bumper - Port Fore
- Deimos Cowling Fore
- Deimos Control Station 2x1x1
- Deimos Living Quarters 2x1
- Deimos Wing B - Port
- Full part selection
- Partial part selection
- Mason Steadman (Chief Executive Officer)
- Nora Morwitz (Senior VP)
- Jamal Gershin (Chief Operations Officer)
- London Fjord (Chief Security Officer)
- Jules Degante (Project management)
- Nikau Henderson
- Peter Brennan
- Sandra Fullerton
- Trevor Petyarre
- Gilly Seong
- Applicant for "Chief Asisstent"(Job 7314): Almaya Dohan, Macauly Esparza, Aron Phan, Nyla Atherton, (Player)
- There are still three "Unknown" Deimos ships that exist as Model Ships, but can not be found or acquired in-game.