The Derelict Bireme is a derelict ship found adrift in a radom encounter.
You discover a heavily damaged drifting ship, a modified Bireme-class cargo ship. On board the ship in the cargo bay you'll see several corpses and be attacked by a large alien maggot. Everywhere in the rooms there are traces of some kind of secretions of life forms. There are records of what happened on the bodies and on the computer. The ship's crew and a team of researchers on board participated in an experiment as part of the Xenowarfare program. The plan was to test the reaction of predators X-34c species to isolation and interstellar flight, and how they adapt to a new biome. During the experiment, the species soon began to form cocoons, turning into chrysalide. Researchers have not encountered such metamorphosis in the natural habitat of predators. After some time, was discovered that cocoons disperse unknown spores; initial tests showed no toxicity. All crew members were infected, the spores caused weakness and unfocused consciousness.
Another scenario: on board you go to the cargo compartment, in it you find 2 faulty industrial robots model A and in the containers there are pieces of Palladium and Tungsten ore. In addition, there are boxes with things. The bodies of crew members lie in the living quarters. From the records in the computers of the captain and the ship's cook, the crew extracted ore and loaded it on board, the ore was frozen in ice. Soon two crew members fell ill, the disease progressing rapidly. There was no doctor in the crew and the cook tried to find out the cause and alleviate the condition of the patients. Later, the rest of the crew began to show symptoms. After the death of the first patients, cook Moore performed an autopsy and examined brain tissue under a microscope. He discovered microorganisms that caused fever, paralysis and death; The pathogens were found in the water remaining from the melted ice.