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Derelict Renegade is a random encounter derelict ship in Starfield


Spawning randomly in various systems,Derelict Renegade is equivalent in look and stats to regular Renegade ship.


On the system map there will be a “sensor contact” mark with a ship icon. While moving towards the marker, a drifting ship is discovered.

After docking, on board the Derelict Renegade the player will encounter hostile combat robots model A; the crew’s bodies lie in the ship’s premises. On the bridge of the ship there is a computer for controlling turrets and robots.

From the records on board, it can be determined that the robots were used in an automatic repair system. During the flight, there was a collision with an asteroid, the system automatically activated robots to repair the hull, but after they returned on board, communication was lost.

To restore the ship's systems, 1 piece of Ship Parts is required, several of which can be found on board; there is one in the storage crate near the mainframe computer in the ship's Engineering Bay. Reboot the mainframe after repair and system operation will be restored.

There may also be another scenario: the bodies of the dead crew lie inside the ship, and there are several large aggressive larvae in the premises. From the notes on board, it can be found out that during the flight, another abandoned ship was encountered, to which they docked and boarded for exploration. After which the crew began to hear strange sounds outside the walls, and several people disappeared. To repair the computer and restore control, you need 1 Ship Parts and 1 Comm Relay, which can be found on board the ship.

After that you can gain control of the ship by sitting in the pilot's seat.


Category Part Quantity
Reactor SF20 Sheared Flow Reactor 1
Engine Supernova 2000 Engine 2
Grav Drive Apollo GV100 Grav Drive 1
Shield 102D Guardian Shield Generator 1
Docker Hope 11 Docker - Fore 1
Fuel Tanks 600T He3 Tank 2
Weapons Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret 2
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret 2
CE-49 Missile Launcher 1
Cockpit Viking CP-110 Cockpit 1
Landing Bay Hope 4 Landing Bay 1
Gear Hope 55 Landing Gear 2 (1 port, 1 stbd)
Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear 5 (3 port, 2 stbd)
Cargo Caravel V101 Cargo Hold 2
Caravel V104 Cargo Hold 6
Habs HopeTech Companionway 1x1 4
HopeTech Computer Core 2x1 1
HopeTech Engineering Bay 3x1 1
HopeTech Cargo Hall 3x3 1
Stroud Companionway 1x1 1
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 A 1
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 B 1
Stroud Living Quarters 2x2 1
Structural Deimos Braking Engine 2
Deimos Belly - Fore 2
HopeTech Cap A - Fore 6 (3 port, 3 stbd)
HopeTech Cap A - Mid 2 (1 port, 1 stbd)
HopeTech Cap A - Aft 6 (3 port, 3 stbd)
HopeTech Nose B - Aft 2
Nova Thruster Array 4 (1 port, 3 stbd)
Porthole 10 (2 fore, 3 port, 3 stbd, 2 top)


After upgrading and replacing modules, the ship's name changes to "Derelict <BaseName>" and cannot be changed in the ship builder. Does not affect the functioning, the ship still be operational.

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