The Freestar Collective is the second interstellar government to have formed in the Settled Systems. It is a libertarian confederation, and controls the star systems Cheyenne, Narion, and Volii. The capital of the Freestar Collective is Akila City on planet Akila in the Cheyenne system.[1]
The Freestar Collective was established in 2189, one year after Solomon Coe, the founder of Akila City, invited the Volii system to form an alliance with the Cheyenne system.[2]
In 2194, the Narion system voted to join the Freestar Collective after the United Colonies placed The Clinic star station above the planet Deepala and refused to remove it, which was seen as a prelude to annexation. The Freestar Collective mobilized to protect Narion in 2195. The UC escalated by sending a fleet to Narion in 2196, and Freestar responded by sending a fleet of its own, which instigated the Narion War. The conflict persisted until 2216, when both sides signed the Treaty of Narion and Narion was recognized as a Freestar member system.[2]
The Freestar Rangers were founded in 2221 to serve as an elite protective and investigative force for the Freestar citizenry.[2]
The Freestar Collective built a new farming colony on the planet Vesta in the Lunara system in 2307. The UC objected to this colony in 2308, claiming it was a violation of the Treaty of Narion and Freestar was not permitted to expand to a fourth star system. Diplomatic talks ensued, but ultimately broke down and the UC razed the Vesta colony. This set off a second major conflict, the Colony War, which culminated in the Battle of Cheyenne in 2311. The UC Navy fleet was defeated by a Freestar flotilla of military and civilian ships using hit-and-run tactics.[2]
By 2330, a fragile peace between Freestar and the UC remained in place.[3]
The federal governing body of the Freestar Collective is the Council of Governors, which currently consists of Mayor Elias Cartwright of Akila City, Administrator Benjamin Bayu of Neon, President Ron Hope of HopeTown, and Dr. Lara Darvish of The Clinic. The Council of Governors only meets periodically in Akila City to address issues that affect the Freestar Collective as a whole. Each member colony has its own political structure and thereby its own method of selecting leaders: the mayor of Akila City is elected by popular vote, Neon and HopeTown are run by the heads of the corporations Xenofresh Fisheries and HopeTech, respectively, and the chief of medicine of The Clinic is appointed. These leaders in turn sit on the Council of Governors representing the interests of the colonies which they lead.
Military and policing duties are divided among three different organizations that fall under the authority of the Council of Governors. The Freestar Militia is the Collective's main military force and acts as a combined army and navy. Freestar Security polices the alliance's member colonies and facilities that opt to permit its presence, and also patrols the orbits of member colonies for contraband smuggling and wanted criminals; of note, Freestar Security is prohibited from landing on Volii Alpha by order of Benjamin Bayu, and Neon operates its own independent security force. Lastly, the Freestar Rangers are an elite investigation and citizen protection force with jurisdiction throughout Freestar territory that answers directly to the Council of Governors.
As a libertarian confederation, the Freestar Collective is less cohesive than the United Colonies due to local differences in political structure and social organization. Accordingly, there are also far fewer laws and restrictive regulations in Freestar space, but corruption is rampant in the corporate-administered colonies.
Star systems[]
Notable Individuals[]
- Marshal Daniel Blake - Head of the Freestar Rangers
- Ambassador Evangeline Radcliff - Ambassador to the United Colonies
- Representative Chisolm - Diplomatic envoy
Council of Governers[]
- Elias Cartwright - Mayor of Akila City
- Benjamin Bayu - Administrator of Neon
- Ron Hope - President of HopeTech
- Lara Darvish - Administrator of The Clinic
The Coe Family[]
- Solomon Coe - Founder of Akila City and the Freestar Collective
- Jacob Coe - Retired economic official and father to Sam Coe
- Sam Coe - Constellation member, son to Jacob Coe and father to Cora Coe.
- Cora Coe - Daughter of Sam Coe
- Freestar Militia
- Freestar Rangers
- Freestar Security
Development Commentary[]
- According to the developers, the Freestar Collective is based on the "space western fantasy" aesthetic.
- ↑ Starfield: Location Insights (Developer Commentary) - Akila City
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Bethesda Softworks for Starfield, The story so far, 15 August 2023
- ↑ Starfield - The Settled Systems