Starfield Wiki

Incapacitation is an Advanced Combat Skill. It improves the damage output of EM weapons.


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Deal 400 EM damage. EM weapons do 5% more damage.
2 Deal 1000 EM damage. EM weapons do 10% more damage.
3 Deal 2500 EM damage. EM weapons do 15% more damage.
4 N/A EM weapons have a 15% chance to do 300% EM damage.

Progression and Strategy[]

Incapacitation is leveled in a similar fashion to other combat skills: use the right gun and get a lot of kills, invest skill points as needed.

EM weapons aren't very common, so this skill can be a bit niche compared to other combat skills. The damage bonuses are subpar until Level 4. Other than that, it's a decent skill.

