Starfield Wiki

Missile Weapon Systems is an Expert Tech Skill. It increases the damage output of missile weapons in Space Combat.


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Deal 1000 damage to enemy ships with missile weapons Ship missile weapons do 10% more damage, and their Targeting mode cost is reduced by 20%.
2 Deal 4000 damage to enemy ships with missile weapons Ship missile weapons do 20% more damage, and their Targeting mode cost is reduced by 40%.
3 Deal 10000 damage to enemy ships with missile weapons Ship missile weapons do 30% more damage, and their Targeting mode cost is reduced by 60%.
4 N/A Ship missiles have a 20% increased Range, Travel Speed, and Reload Speed.

Progression and Strategy[]

Missile Weapon Systems isn't hard to level. Instances of space combat can be found at mission boards. The caveat is that the ship must be well-equipped with missile systems, and the starting ship, the Frontier, has relatively weak missiles in its standard layout.

Missile Weapon Systems can be very strong as a skill. Missile weapons hit hard. However, missile weapons can be relatively unwieldy due to lock-on times. The player can fire 'dumb' missiles without locking, but these (obviously) aren't guided to the target. Also, missile weapons can be very expensive in Ship Customization, especially later on in the game. There may be better choices for damage output.

The Targeting Control Systems skill is needed to get the full use out of Missile Weapon systems, but it is not required.

  • Speed of leveling this skill seems to be affected by your “player ship damage” difficulty setting. Too high a setting may translate in a very long time needed to fully level this skill.

