Starfield Wiki

Negotiation is an Advanced Social Skill. It unlocks Bribery options in Speech Challenges.


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Bribe 3 times through persuasion. You now have access to Bribery in speech challenges.
2 Bribe 5 times through persuasion. Reduces Bribery cost by 25%.
3 Bribe 10 times through persuasion. Reduces Bribery cost by 50%.
4 N/A Occasionally, Bribery won't cost any money.

Progression and Strategy[]

To bribe someone in a conversation, begin the Persuasion minigame with an NPC. Once in a while you will have a choice labeled [Negotiation] where you can offer a sum of money. Clicking that is how you progress in the Negotiation perk. You cannot progress by paying off the NPC outright without using persuasion.

