Overdesigned is a miscellaneous mission in Starfield.
During the story mission All That Money Can Buy when meeting Issa Eklund tells Walter Stroud that the idea of entering the new luxury cruise ship market has failed. After the mission, Walter Stroud turns to Spacefarer asking for help. The Stroud-Eklund R&D department's working group was supposed to create a new ship for the company, but was behind schedule. We need to understand the situation and push the project forward.
Quick Walkthrough[]
- Walter Stroud wants me to help his R&D team with their next shipbuilding project. Development has stalled, and he believes I can get it back on track.
- Go to Stroud-Eklund Staryard
- Find Jules
- I need to speak with the project lead, Jules and find out what I can do to help get this project back on track.
- Speak with Jules
- I think I may be able to get into the Stroud-Eklund corporate systems and approve a higher budget. That way, we can build whatever we want without worrying about the cost.
- (Optional) Increase the budget
- Jules will only agree to go with the highest budget proposal for this ship if I contribute a large amount of money out of my own pocket.
- Pay to increase the budget
- Jules has asked me to meet the rest of the team and give them feedback on their ship design proposals.
- (Optional) Give feedback on the team's proposals
- Now that we've solved the budget issues for this project, Jules would like me to help gather some market research data. I should speak with her to find out what that entails.
- Speak with Jules about market research
- Jules asked me to fly missions from the mission board. The data I collect will be used to make design decisions. Collecting more data will allow them to build a ship to handle a variety of situations.
- (Optional) Complete a passenger mission
- (Optional) Complete a bounty mission
- I've collected the market research data. Now, I need to speak with Jules about the issues preventing her team from working well with one another.
- Speak with Jules
- The team seems more willing to work with one another now, so all that's left is talking to Jules about the final ship design.
- Speak with Jules
- Production on Stroud-Eklund's latest ship is back on track. I should report to Walter and let him know.
- Speak with Walter Stroud
- I helped the Stroud-Eklund R&D team get their project back on track and we managed to finish the design for their new ship.
Detailed Walkthrough[]
Project Manager Jules Degante, she recently completed her Master's degree and was the top of her class. After being invited to work at the company, this is her first project as a PM. She tries to take into account the opinion of each team member, but everyone has their own vision of the ultimate goal, as a result the project is not going anywhere.
The first question she asks you to decide is the size of the project budget. If you choose the minimum budget, you will need to convince lead designer Frank Yilmaz to use cheaper components. If you decide the maximum budget, you will need to use persuasion on Jules Degante. If successful, she will ask additional funding from management; if unsuccessful, you will have to shell out an additional 100k from your own pocket.
Giving feedback to team members' suggestions is optional, but support or criticism will determine which version of the ship will be the final one.
Jules imagines a warship that is small, fast, and maneuverable, combining protection and powerful weapons.
Lead designer Frank Yilmaz, a local prima, his unhappy that he is not leading the project. Proudly points to his 10 years of experience, focusing on aesthetics, look, and feel. Wants to create a luxury ship for celebrities, based on comfort and protection, using the latest, highest quality and most expensive parts.
Ella Chaudhry is a senior technical designer who studied together with Frank Yilmaz and wants to work on custom ships in the future. The main direction of her work is the ship's computer systems: navigation, scanners, weapon control, etc. Her idea is a small-sized explorer ship, minimal capacity, minimal weapons, advanced gravity drive and large tanks, high-quality scanners and research equipments.
Mike Abibio is the most experienced member of the team, 25 years at staryards, a total of 30 years of experience, has been with the company since its inception. He is satisfied with the position of senior engineer, does not want to manage others, prefers to work with his hands. Mike puts together the various modules everyone else has created and makes it work. He does not chase the latest innovations; he prefers reliable, proven solutions. Considers cargo ships to be in demand. Mike Abibio offers a large ship with a big cargo capacity, strong and reliable, ascetically equipped with only the essentials, the simplest and cheapest parts, basic scanners, weapons, and protection.
Nev Papadopoulos represents the marketing department in the team. She has been working for the company for several months; before that she worked briefly as a marketer at Chunks. Proposes to create a medium-sized family ship with enough internal space to comfortably accommodate passengers. The price should be low, so all parts should be as cheap as possible.
After listening to your team members' ideas, talk to Jules, and she will suggest you collect data for marketing analysis. You need to complete two radiant missions from the mission board, one transporting passengers and one bounty hunt. The combat mission can be taken before the quest begins. One of the mission boards is located near the meeting room. If you're lucky, you can take on the transportation mission right here at Stroud-Eklund Staryard.
After returning to Jules Degante, there is one last step left. To unite the team and move the project in one direction, you must choose the option of compromise, when each participant speaks out and moderates their own ambitions, or conduct team building in group meditation, giving an inspiring speech. Then all you have to do is meet with Walter, and he will say that the project has been successfully completed and he will give you the first ship of the new design.
Possible rewards for completing the Overdesigned mission are two ships, the B-class Kepler S and the C-class Kepler R. Since focusing on the story missions, this side mission can be obtained at a fairly low level, using these ships requires a level 3 or 4 Piloting skill.
To get the maximum reward, in the first conversation with Jules Degante you need to select the maximum budget, “the Kitchen Sink”. After listening to the team members, approve all their ideas, be sure to complete both marketing missions before talking to Jules. Even after fulfilling all the conditions, if you choose the compromise option, sometimes the reward is Kepler R, and another time you get Kepler S, to be on the safe side, it is better to choose the meditation option.
If you decide a smaller budget from the start, are skeptical about the team members' ideas, come back after one marketing mission, you will get Kepler S.
If there is no delay in completing marketing missions, the entire quest with talking and flying can be completed in a few minutes.
Both ships have top engines in their class, with a level requirement of 50 + and a required level 4 Starship Design skill for installation. On the first play through, these will not be available to the player very soon from the start of the game, except some expensive unique ships. Also installed grav drives are top in their class. The cargo capacity of both ships is comparable, but the more compact Kepler S has 2 high-capacity modules. The Kepler R comes with weapons pre-installed and can be used immediately upon acquisition, although they are not META at all. If you don't plan to use the quest reward, Kepler R is much more expensive and selling it will give you more credits. In terms of use, the Kepler S design is more practical, although the reactor is only good at low levels. Kepler R can be used as is or with minor modifications. If you want to tidy up this mess of modules, the cost of modification could end up being comparable to buying a new ship.