Renegade is a ship in Starfield
Most of the hull parts origin from HopeTech and Stroud-Eklund.
Smuggler Huan Daiyu's ship the Jade Swan in The Best There Is looks like a basic version of the Renegade ship.
Randomly appear for sale in your outpost Shipbuilder and from Ship Services Technicians in Freestar Collective sector.
Category | Part | Quantity |
Reactor | SF20 Sheared Flow Reactor | 1 |
Engine | Supernova 2000 Engine | 2 |
Grav Drive | Apollo GV100 Grav Drive | 1 |
Shield | 102D Guardian Shield Generator | 1 |
Docker | Hope 11 Docker - Fore | 1 |
Fuel Tanks | 600T He3 Tank | 2 |
Weapons | Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret | 2 |
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret | 2 | |
CE-49 Missile Launcher | 1 | |
Cockpit | Viking CP-110 Cockpit | 1 |
Landing Bay | Hope 4 Landing Bay | 1 |
Gear | Hope 55 Landing Gear | 2 (1 port, 1 stbd) |
Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear | 5 (3 port, 2 stbd) | |
Cargo | Caravel V101 Cargo Hold | 2 |
Caravel V104 Cargo Hold | 6 | |
Habs | HopeTech Companionway 1x1 | 4 |
HopeTech Computer Core 2x1 | 1 | |
HopeTech Engineering Bay 3x1 | 1 | |
HopeTech Cargo Hall 3x3 | 1 | |
Stroud Companionway 1x1 | 1 | |
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 A | 1 | |
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 B | 1 | |
Stroud Living Quarters 2x2 | 1 | |
Structural | Deimos Braking Engine | 2 |
Deimos Belly - Fore | 2 | |
HopeTech Cap A - Fore | 6 (3 port, 3 stbd) | |
HopeTech Cap A - Mid | 2 (1 port, 1 stbd) | |
HopeTech Cap A - Aft | 6 (3 port, 3 stbd) | |
HopeTech Nose B - Aft | 2 | |
Nova Thruster Array | 4 (1 port, 3 stbd) | |
Porthole | 10 (2 fore, 3 port, 3 stbd, 2 top) |
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