Starfield Wiki

Renegade is a ship in Starfield


Most of the hull parts origin from HopeTech and Stroud-Eklund.

Smuggler Huan Daiyu's ship the Jade Swan in The Best There Is looks like a basic version of the Renegade ship.


Randomly appear for sale in your outpost Shipbuilder and from Ship Services Technicians in Freestar Collective sector.


Category Part Quantity
Reactor SF20 Sheared Flow Reactor 1
Engine Supernova 2000 Engine 2
Grav Drive Apollo GV100 Grav Drive 1
Shield 102D Guardian Shield Generator 1
Docker Hope 11 Docker - Fore 1
Fuel Tanks 600T He3 Tank 2
Weapons Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret 2
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret 2
CE-49 Missile Launcher 1
Cockpit Viking CP-110 Cockpit 1
Landing Bay Hope 4 Landing Bay 1
Gear Hope 55 Landing Gear 2 (1 port, 1 stbd)
Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear 5 (3 port, 2 stbd)
Cargo Caravel V101 Cargo Hold 2
Caravel V104 Cargo Hold 6
Habs HopeTech Companionway 1x1 4
HopeTech Computer Core 2x1 1
HopeTech Engineering Bay 3x1 1
HopeTech Cargo Hall 3x3 1
Stroud Companionway 1x1 1
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 A 1
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 B 1
Stroud Living Quarters 2x2 1
Structural Deimos Braking Engine 2
Deimos Belly - Fore 2
HopeTech Cap A - Fore 6 (3 port, 3 stbd)
HopeTech Cap A - Mid 2 (1 port, 1 stbd)
HopeTech Cap A - Aft 6 (3 port, 3 stbd)
HopeTech Nose B - Aft 2
Nova Thruster Array 4 (1 port, 3 stbd)
Porthole 10 (2 fore, 3 port, 3 stbd, 2 top)
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