Sebastian Banks is a character mentioned in Starfield. He founded Constellation in 2275, and served as its first Chair until his disappearance in 2283.
Sebastian Banks founded Constellation in New Atlantis in 2275, creating an organization of explorers dedicated to investigating the unknown and finding answers to the universe's mysteries. Banks built The Lodge to serve as Constellation's headquarters, and recruited Aja Mamasa, Bernadette Laurent, Chloe Bao, Darius Andris, Everado Gil, and Kadri Toma as the group's first members.
In 2282, Banks prevented Chloe Bao from publishing a report on the fate of the Clark Lewis, a colony ship that had famously gone missing in 2257. Bao discovered the Clark Lewis in 2282 and found that the ship became stranded in space after its Helium-3 tanks ruptured and dislodged its reactor, and the surviving passengers resorted to violence and cannibalism over the next several years before they ultimately succumbed to starvation. Banks had Bao's report shelved out of fear that it would severely dampen public enthusiasm for space exploration.[1]
Sebastian Banks embarked on his final expedition in 2283, and never returned. No trace of him was ever found. With the loss of their founder and respected leader, Constellation's other members were on the verge of voting to disband the group, but Chloe Bao changed her mind at the last moment and the outcome of the vote kept Constellation intact. Bao was then approved as the group's next chair.[2]