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Skill Magazines grant permanent buffs and other bonuses by collecting magazines in Starfield. These can usually be found on tables, counters, or other flat surfaces. Below are all the magazine types, the buffs they provide, and their known locations.

Magazine bonuses are given in sequential order, regardless of which one you pick up first. As an example, Kryx's Journals give in this order:

  • a store price reduction/sell price increase of 2%
  • 5% more crew/companion weapon damage
  • a 5% increase to ship cargo capacity
  • a 5% reduction in the cost of bribing
  • 2% faster social skill progression

Regardless of which magazine you pick up first/last. If you use console commands to place all the magazines together, you can see their descriptions change as you pick them up, and they will all start out with the same bonus. As such, you cannot skip around to get a specific bonus, you must collect enough of a magazine set to get the bonus you want.

Note that this is NOT the case for magazines that provide recipes, such as Neon Nights, which will always provide the same recipe.

Note that locations marked “(Any Planet)” may occur as a procedurally-generated local point of interest within the territory around a landing site, or may randomly be picked to be displayed as a planetary point of interest (visible from orbit). The latter makes them easier to find, but be aware that they won't have spawned on the same planet in other people's games.

CombaTech Catalog[]

The CombaTech Catalog increases the accuracy and range of any weapon manufactured by CombaTech.

Name Location Notes
CombaTech Catalog 01 Seokguh Syndicate Hideout - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) Second floor in the dormitories, next to the maintenance shaft key.
CombaTech Catalog 02 UC Vigilance - Phobos You need to unlock the UC Vigilance. One option is to do the first two missions for the UC Vanguard. Another option is getting caught doing a crime and doing an arrangement with the SysDef officer to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet.

Either way you can take the elevator to the Operations Center. As soon as you enter the center, take a left and enter the room to your left. The guide will be on a counter below the big screen on the wall.

CombaTech Catalog 03 Hopetown - Polvo ( Valo System) Located inside the "Best Defense" Weapons Shop, on the right side of the wall, sitting in between some ammo crates.
CombaTech Catalog 04 Gagarin - Abandoned Hephaestus Mine (Alpha Centauri System) This particular mine is part of the Breach of Contract mission. You'll find it near the first of two research computers (Ervin’s Computer) in the mine on a table outside of the small research office.
CombaTech Catalog 05 Forgotten Mech Graveyard (Any Planet) On a table on a hill next to a Spacer; on the crest of the hill in a lighted area with an awning and next to an Industrial Workbench.

It appears that the story mission "Further into the Unknown" will always direct you to land at a Mech Graveyard.

Constellation Guide[]

The Constellation Guide magazines give you a variety of physical enhancements such as reduced oxygen consumption or fall damage:

  • Guide 01: Permanently reduces fall damage by 5%.
  • Guide 02: Healing items are permanently 5% more effective.
  • Guide 03: Permanently use 15% less O₂ while moving when overencumbered.
  • Guide 04: Outposts permanently produce resources 5% faster.
  • Guide 05: Basic and Advanced Science skills unlocked 2% faster (on top of any other bonuses).
Name Location Notes
Constellation Guide 01 The Lodge - New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Located on the circular railing around the alien artifacts in The Lodge's main library room.
Constellation Guide 02 Abandoned Research Tower (Any Planet) Located in an office on the second floor, beside a set of terminals/computers.
Constellation Guide 03 Main Cabin - Dauntless Crew's Crash Site - Cassiopeia I (Eta Cassiopeia System) On the table as you enter during the "In Memoriam" quest.
Constellation Guide 04 'The Clinic' spacestation, orbiting Deepala (Narion System) Found on your immediate left when you enter The Clinic which you visit during the main Freestar Rangers questline.
Constellation Guide 05 Trade Authority station under attack, Prax, Valo System Board, go down the hall and turn left, is on top of a nearby crate on your right.

Cyber Runner's Cipher[]

The Cyber Runner's Cipher magazines increases laser critical damage, stealth and banked hacking auto attempts depending on the issue collected:

  • Cipher 01: Stealth increased by 1%.
  • Ciphers 02 and 03: 5% additional critical damage when using laser weapons.
  • Ciphers 04 and 05: Additional auto attempt can be banked for hacking
Name Location Notes
Cyber Runner's Cipher 01 Neon City Business Tower: Slayton Aerospace - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) In Neon City core, take the corporate elevator to the far right of Astral Lounge stairs to Slayton Aerospace. Pass through the first hallway and into the large open hallway. Walk to the lobby desk but take a left towards the couches. You'll find the magazine laying on the largest coffee table.
Cyber Runner's Cipher 02 The Well - New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Located in the Apex Electronics store past the Church of the Enlightened and next to the Trade Authority, on a table full of junk by the window.
Cyber Runner's Cipher 03 Neuradyne Botany Laboratory - Beta Marae I On a desk, in the lower greenhouse, on the roof of the main building.
Cyber Runner's Cipher 04 Hotel Volii - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) Rent a room for a day and the magazine will be located on a counter next to a red chair in your room.
Cyber Runner's Cipher 05 Infinity Limited HQ - New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) On a table, in the same room as the Neuroamp Prototype, on the R&D level during the "Sabotage" quest for Ryujin Industries.

Freestar Captain's Log[]

The Freestar Captain's Log magazines provide increases in carry capacity, robot damage and disarming with unarmed and melee attacks:

  • Log 01 : Increase Carry capacity by 5%.
  • Log 02: Permanently increase carry capacity by 5 kg.
  • Log 03: Permanently adds a 1% chance to disarm enemies with unarmed or melee strikes.
  • Log 04: Permanently do 5% more damage to robots.
  • Log 05: Additional 1% chance to disarm opponents with unarmed and melee attacks.
Name Location Notes
Freestar Captain's Log 01 Pressurized Cave Outside of the cave, on a table to the right of the entrance, under an awning.

Pressurized Caves are a random "Unknown" Place of Interest, with the icon of a push-pin, that when scanned turns into "Natural" and has the icon of hills with caves. Will become "Pressurized Cave" when approached.

Confirmed to have been found on Sirius I

(Note: There are also Natural POI with cave icons that turn into "Cave" when approached; and these seem far more common than "Pressurized Cave"

Freestar Captain's Log 02 Deserted Mineral Plant (Any Planet) Ground Floor in Crew Quarters, in the first room with a bunch of beds, sitting in a locker.
Freestar Captain's Log 03 Freestar Collective Consulate - Akila City, Akila (Cheyenne System) Walk along the left side of The Rock, up some stairs, and take the first left after the stairs to find the Freestar Collective Consulate. It's a small building. Enter and walk past the entry room. In the second room, you'll spot the Freestar Captain's Log 03 on the coffee table next to a hookah and deck of cards.
Freestar Captain's Log 04 Deserted Research Outpost (Any Planet) Table in the downstairs kitchen area, near the espresso machine. There's an exterior door and a cooking station right next to it.
Freestar Captain's Log 05 Mech Factory - Command Center, Arcturus II (Arcturus System) During the First to Fight, First to Die quest for the Freestar Collective Rangers, After Paxton Hull is defeated look inside the tower he is fighting from. You'll find it on a table next to an Old Earth Rifle.


The GRUNT skill books increase critical damage with any sort of ballistic weapon by 5%

Name Location Notes
GRUNT Issue 01 The Red Mile - Porrima III On a body by the beacon button, not placed in the world and must be looted.
GRUNT Issue 02 Seokguh Syndicate Hideout - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) Just past Frankie's locked door, on a coffee table on the right as you face out from the door.
GRUNT Issue 03 Montara Luna - Waggoner Farm Located east of the farm, in a bandit camp in the canyon. You'll need to visit the bandits as part of a Freestar Collective quest called "Deputized."
GRUNT Issue 04 The Key Spacestation (Kryx System) Aboard the Crimson Fleet space station you can visit during the Deep Cover faction mission. It's located in the bar on a table past a ping pong table against the windows.
GRUNT Issue 05 Deserted UC Garrison (any Planet) Second floor of the multilevel building, next to a locked computer with robot controls
GRUNT Issue 06 Deserted Ecliptic Garrison (Any Planet)

Note: Bog’s Quest “Reclaiming the Past” will always take you to a Deserted Ecliptic Garrison.

In a small building near the landing pad. Straight ahead of your ship will be an open building with a stairwell to the left, going up the stairwell puts you at the building that has the magazine.
GRUNT Issue 07 Abandoned Cryo Lab (Any Planet) Inside the main building, at the straight desk with an office chair in front of it. This magazine is before the entrance to the underground facility.
GRUNT Issue 08 GUNNIBUU VI-C - Retrofitted Starstation Part of the Failure to Communicate Side Mission. Found on a table in the room the Spacer Captain is in.
GRUNT Issue 09 Deserted Colony War Barracks (any Planet) Second story of the only multilevel building in the complex, in the side with the gold dome over it. The closest exterior door (also second story) has a Storage label over the archway. Inside on a table.

*Unknown if it's RNG or not but The planet NESOI in the OLYMPUS System had this location as a potential landing location by default in my game*

GRUNT Issue 10 Forgotten Military Base (any Planet) On the roof of the 2-story building in the middle of the base. On a table long the long green half-wall.

Gunslinger's Guide[]

The Gunslinger's Guide improves reload and draw speed with Laredo weapons by 5%.

Name Location Notes
Gunslinger's Guide 01 The Rock - Akila City, Akila (Cheyenne System) Follow the stairways all the way to to the top of Akila City's The Rock. You'll find this magazine on the coffee table before the Marshal Blake's office door.
Gunslinger's Guide 02 Sinclair's Books - Akila City, Akila (Cheyenne System) On the north side of Akila City far to the left and down some stairs from The Rock is Sinclair's Books, a shop run by Ahnjong Sinclair. Enter the bookstore and take an immediate right, walking along the front of the shop. You'll spot the issue of Gunslinger's Guide 02 on the second table, the one nearest to the bookshelf.
Gunslinger's Guide 03 Ranger's Building - Hopetown, Polvo (Valo System) Located in the Rangers building, on a small table on your right that is part of a set of connected chairs.
Gunslinger's Guide 04 Freestar Rangers Outpost - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) Located on the last and upper floor of the Freestar Ranger Outpost, next to the bed on a nightstand.
Gunslinger's Guide 05 Freestar Collective Embassy, New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Only accessible during the "Friends Like These" faction quest for the UC Vanguard. It can be found in a restricted barracks room on the top floor of the embassy on a coffee table by a contraband chest.

Kryx's Journal[]

The Kryx's Journal skill books have a variety of perks, ranging from trading bonuses to damage increases.

  • Journal 01: Crew and companions do 5% more damage with weapons.
  • Journal 02: Basic and Advanced Social skills are permanently unlocked 2% faster.
  • Journal 03: Your ship's cargo hold can permanently hold 5% more.
  • Journal 04: Store prices are permanently reduced by 2%, and you permanently sell items for 2% more.
  • Journal 05: The cost of bribing someone is permanently reduced by 5%.
Name Location Notes
Kryx's Journal 01 Crimson Fleet Outpost - Bessel III At the end of the "Back to Vectera" quest, you'll enter a Crimson Fleet bunker where Barrett is being held and is talking to the pirates. Just before you enter the large open room where he is with the pirates, you'll find yourself in a yellow and red room littered with containers. On the left side is a pallet with an extra large container on it. Then to the left of the container is the Kryx's Journal Entry 01.

After quest, find "Ransacked Research Post" on Bessell III to find the entrance to Crimson Fleet Outpost.

Kryx's Journal 02 Vulture's Roost - Jaffa IV In the jail area, upstairs on a table.
Kryx's Journal 03 Vladimir's House, Syrma VII-A (Syrma System) Through the locked basement door in Vladimir's home that he suggests you check out when speaking to him on The Eye.
Kryx's Journal 04 The Lock, Suvorov (Kryx System) During the "Echoes of the Past" quest, When you find the Carter's Gig data slate in the Cell block D shower room, It will be in one of the lockers to your left.
Kryx's Journal 05 Gagarin Landing - Gagarin (Alpha Centauri System) East of the memorial statue in Gagarin Landing/behind the Town Hall, on a table near the Foundry Terminals.

Mining Monthly[]

The Mining Monthly issues will give a 2% damage boost on all tool-grip weapons.

Name Location Notes
Mining Monthly Issue 01 Abandoned Mine - Into The Unknown (Or any random Planet)

Note: The Abandoned Mine type with the approach ramp, and tall tower with stairs going around it (The mine has a loadable Deep Cave area).

This magazine can be acquired as soon as you approach the mine where you first met Andreja. Look for a small airlocked habitat marked HB17 to the left of the ramp up to the mine. Inside is the magazine on a desk at the back. If you missed it the first time, no worries, you can go back to the location at any point.
Mining Monthly Issue 02 CM Station RC-1 Mine Carinae III-A (Carinae System) Can be found during the Ryujin quest "The Key Ingrediant" After entering the mine at the end of the first room its sitting on a tool cart.
Mining Monthly Issue 03 Gagarin Landing Bar - Gagarin (Alpha Centauri System) Head down to the bar and walk back to the small section with the couches. You'll spot this magazine on the coffee table in the middle of the three couches.
Mining Monthly Issue 04 Autonomous Dogstar Factory (Any Planet) It will be located in an upper floor room where you can use a computer to access the elevator controls. The magazine sits near Arthur O'Finn's computer.
Mining Monthly Issue 05 Abandoned Mine - Any

Note: The Abandoned Mine type with the cylindrical tower with fans, and switch controlled airlock leading to a loadable Mining Complex area.

Inside the Mining Complex, initial level, through the door into the second room (before you go down), on a counter.
Mining Monthly Issue 06 Bindi Mining Outpost - Bindi (Cheyenne System) On the top floor, on a table in the recreation room.
Mining Monthly Issue 07 Residential Room - Cydonia, Mars (Sol System) Located in the Deimos Miner Quarters in the Residential Room, upstairs. It lies on the table next to the wall to your right as soon as you enter the room.
Mining Monthly Issue 08 Abandoned Mine - Any

Note: The Abandoned Mine type with the cylindrical tower with fans, and switch controlled airlock leading to a loadable Mining Complex area.

Inside the Mining Complex go immediately down the stairs (before going through the door to the room with Mining Monthly Issue 05), turn right to the cavern and then right again under a cave overhang. Dead ahead is a dark locked (advanced) door, the book is inside.
Mining Monthly Issue 09 New Homestead, Titan In New Homestead ice mines. Just to the right after entering the large ice area where Homesteaders are drilling, the magazine sits on a cable spool.
Mining Monthly Issue 10 Deserted Robotics Lab (Any Planet) In the break room inside the base, next to the cafeteria. It will be on a table between a white and an orange sofa chair.

Neon Nights[]

The Neon Nights magazines provide new recipes for a variety of pharmaceutical items.

Name Location Notes
Neon Nights 01 Ryujin Industries: Executive Floor - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) This magazine can only be found after you have completed "Maintaining the Edge", when Imogene grants you access to the Executive Level. Before that, the floor will not be an option on the elevator. Once you reach that floor, enter Alexis Pryce's office which is located on the upper floor to the far right. The magazine will be located on a table, next to some notebooks and sphere toy.
Neon Nights 02 Trade Tower: Astral Lounge VIP Booth 1 - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) Take the VIP Lounge elevator on the left side of the Astral Lounge up to the booths. Take a right when you come out of the elevator and enter Booth 1. You'll find the magazine on the coffee table in the room, just to the right of the door.
Neon Nights 03 Trade Tower: Celtcorp - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) In Neon City Core, take the corporate elevator that's to the far right of the Astral Lounge stairs to Celtcorp. Walk straight back to the couch on the far wall, past the "Welcome" booths. You'll spot Neon Nights 03 on the arm of a white couch.
Neon Nights 04 Generdyne Industries - Neon City, Volii Alpha (Volii System) During the Crimson Fleet quest "Absolute Power". Found on a small table in front of Breyson Bayu's Desk.
Neon Nights 05 Trade Tower: Xenofresh HQ - Neon CIty, Volii Alpha (Volii System) Soon as coming out of the elevator, go to the right and the magazine should be on a table between two chairs.

Nova Galactic Manual[]

The Nova Galactic Manuals each give you a slight permanent reduction on grav jump fuel by 1%, allowing for greater distances to be covered per jump.

Name Location Notes
Nova Galactic Manual 01 Shuttle 03 Cabin, Cassiopeia I (Eta Cassiopeia System) During Sarah Morgan's quest "In Memoriam" you visit the escape shuttle she crashed in 20 years ago. On the floor, near the forward (barred) hatch, atop a grey box.
Nova Galactic Manual 02 Nova Galactic Staryard, Luna (Sol System) In the space station you search looking for Vanguard Mora, located in a control room overlooking the bay with the ship where Mora left his audio log slate.
Nova Galactic Manual 03 Jemison - New Atlantis MAST Administrative Division (Alpha Centauri System) In the MAST building, take an elevator to the Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs floor. When you exit the elevator take a left and another immediate left to enter the Office of Interstellar Affairs. Stay right when the office splits and walk all the way to the back office where Deputy Elisabeth Macintyre sits. You'll spot the Nova Galactic Manual 03 on the coffee table to the left of her desk.
Nova Galactic Manual 04 Deserted Freestar Collective Garrison (Any Planet) After taking the elevator to the top, proceed to the small one-room building on the left side of the launch pad. The magazine can be found on the table next to the orange couch beside a "Starlocked" Board Game.
Nova Galactic Manual 05 Abandoned Griplite Manufacturing Plant Inside the larger of the two buildings in the area, upstairs, in the room with the biological hazard sign next to the door. Straight back from the door on a desk.
Nova Galactic Manual 06 Autonomous Staryard - Volii Psi (Volii System) Located in the last room, on the upper floor, on a table next to the Vending Machine and Coffee Maker.
Nova Galactic Manual 07 Abandoned Maintenance Bay Enter the facility interior. Head down to the machine shop that is the first big area, on the right side there's a second floor. The magazine is inside, in an office/reception area, on a small table.

Note there are two entrances, if the directions seem wrong try from the other entrance.

Nova Galactic Manual 08 Abandoned Shipping Depot (Any Planet) This magazine sits on a desk from an office room located upstairs from a large spacious room where a weapon workbench stands. The large room can be accessed easily from the door nearest to the broken elevator on the ground floor.
Nova Galactic Manual 09 Abandoned Deimos Scrapyard (Any Planet) Once you take out the spacers, head up on the elevator towards one of the broken land bridges. Enter the room to the right side and the magazine will be lying on a nearby table.
Nova Galactic Manual 10 The Almagest, space station. Nesoi, Olymbus A no-gravity station with Spacers. After the first combat area, face the bar from the "lobby" and turn right. There will be casino tables in a "shaft", go up the shaft and defeat 2 more spacers, one may be level 22, but still manageable at level 13.

After this second combat encounter, look for the receptionist area that contains a computer and three safes (1 Novice, 1 Advanced, and 1 Expert). Across from the safes is the Nova Galactic Manual 10. No safe-cracking needed.

Peak Performance[]

The Peak Performance issues increase carry capacity by 5 kg, except for issue 04 which increases melee weapon critical damage by 5%.

Name Location Notes
Peak Performance 01 The Eye, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Aboard the Constellation's spacestation, The Eye, in a gym room off to the right as you enter the station.
Peak Performance 02 Deserted UC Listening Post (Any Planet)

also found in Abandoned Outpost (science symbol) as part of the "ghost hunt" quest

At a random Deserted UC Listening Post filled with Spacers. The magazine was in a control room on a long computer desk.
Peak Performance 03 Reliant Medical Organics Lab - Beta Ternion I On a table in the small greenhouse.
Peak Performance 04 Sonny Di Falco's Estate - Maheo 1, Maheo System (Overlaps Cheyenne System)

Note: For Sonni Di Falco’s Island to appear, you may need to scan the planet or land there first for the point of interest to appear.

On a table in Sonny Di's Bedroom upstairs room near the indoor pool. Sonny's corpse will be on the bed.
Peak Performance 05 The Key, Suvorov (Kryx System) Located near a set of dumbbells in the gym.

Solomon's Adventures[]

  • Adventures 01: Permanently adds 5% to melee weapon critical damage
  • Adventures 02: Permanently increases weapon damage at night by 5%
  • Adventures 03: Permanently adds 5% to unarmed damage.
  • Adventures 04: Basic and Advanced Physical skills are permanently unlocked 2% faster (on top of any other bonuses).
  • Adventures 05: Food and drink items are permanently 5% more effective.
Name Location Notes
Solomon's Adventures 01 Coe Estate -Akila City, Akila (Cheyenne System) On the first floor of the Coe Estate, enter the master bedroom. You'll find this issue on the left nightstand. Note: Coe Estate is locked until visited during the quest "The Empty Nest".
Solomon's Adventures 02 Waggoner Farm - Montana Luna Located in the Farmhouse on the second floor in the room with a bunkbed.
Solomon's Adventures 03 Abandoned Mining Platform (Any Planet) At the top of the main tower, in the drill control room, on a desk in the lower area. Just before the kitchen that has the area's main loot crate.
Solomon's Adventures 04 Safe House Gamma - Andromas II (Andromas System) On a bench of the second Openable room on the right hand side of the long corridor at the start.
Solomon's Adventures 05 Helium-3 Extraction Site (Any Planet)

Note: A loadable area within Abandoned Mineral Refinery.

Note2: Abandoned Mineral Refinery may display as Abandoned Outpost until after you enter the Helium-3 Extraction Site.

Find two pipes, a blue one over a red one, follow them until you see steam coming out of the blue one as they enter a hole and follow them into the Helium-3 Extraction Site. (The more direct entrance, is located in the building, you need to be a master at lockpicking to be able to open it)

Once you enter the site, defeat the space pirates and on main desks that you see as soon as you enter, there is a living quarters key lying on the table beside an audio recording. Use the key to enter their living quarters further north into the cave. The magazine is on a table with three chairs around it and some beer bottles around the book.

The New Atlantian[]

The New Atlantian issues each give a variety of recipes for food items:

Name Location Notes
The New Atlantian 01 Tau Gourment Production Center - Tau Ceti II (Tau System) Located inside the production center building. Go inside the large room where the pharmaceutical lab resides. Along the same wall where the lab leans against, to the right there is a desk where two ammo cases stand. Right next to them, is the skill book.
The New Atlantian 02 Starstation RE-939 - Voss This magazine will be located in the Comms Center, on the third floor in the Living Area. There is a small office where the Security Computer can be accessed. The magazine will be next to it, alongside a recording you can collect.
The New Atlantian 03 Residential District - New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Located in the back patio seating area behind the Dawn's Roost restaurant in the Pioneer Tower, to the right of the New Atlantis Tram.
The New Atlantian 04 The Eleos Retreat - Ixyll II (Ixyll System) Enter the Retreat building. Once you reach the huge rock in the middle, go to your right where the infirmary room is. Go straight past the infirmary room, to the hallway next to the stairs. The skill book will be located in the first room to your left as you enter the section. It will be lying on the nightstand.
The New Atlantian 05 The Well - New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Located in Kay's Place near the elevator up to the spaceport. Go inside Kay's residence on the second floor. Head through the kitchen and up the stairs to bypass the front door. You can find it on a side table by the front door.

Tracker's Primers[]

The Tracker's Primers will give you a permanent damage boost of electromagnetic weapon damage by 5%.

Name Location Notes
Tracker's Primers 01 McClure II - Victor Compound At the Victor Compound (outside) in the structure on the northwest side of the compound; west of the gun range.

Note: The quest "Matters of the Hart" grants access to this compound.

Tracker's Primers 02 Indum II - Pilgrim's Rest In Pilgrim's Rest in the Locked Room.

Note: The quest "Unity" grants access to Pilgrim's Rest.

Tracker's Primers 03 Porrima III - Red Mile Upper floor, inside the second room on a table between the two red sofas.
Tracker's Primers 04 Abandoned Farm (Any Planet)

Note: There are multiple variants of the abandoned farm. The correct one is with pipes everywhere.

Located on a desk in the long thin building (was bugged under unmovable crate but now fixed)
Tracker's Primers 05 Vectera - Argos Extractors Mining Outpost. Located on a nightstand in one of the sleeping quarters in the structure on the north side of the outpost.

UC Defense Manual[]

The UC Defense Manuals increase magazine size and critical bash chance success for Allied Armaments brand guns.

Name Location Notes
UC Defense Manual 01 1-OF-A-KIND-SALVAGE - Niira (Narion System) Enter through the door where the two Turret MK1 stand. The magazine will be on the opposite side of where you entered. It will be lying on a long table next to a storage box.
UC Defense Manual 02 The Den -Chthonia(Wolf System) Go past the ship services post and walk along the far right hallway. When you enter the UC office, there is another room just to the right, which has two bunker beds. In between them, the magazine will be sitting on a shelf below some folded towels.
UC Defense Manual 03 Residential - Cydonia, Mars (Sol System) Go into the Residential area in Cydonia and enter the UC Marine Barracks. The magazine will be in on a large table next to a staple gun and some sushi rolls.
UC Defense Manual 04 Abandoned Weapon Station (Any Planet) This magazine is found at an Abandoned Weapon Station inside one of the large building's upper control room that is often locked. You'll need to find the key or lockpick the door. The actual location of the station is randomized.
UC Defense Manual 05 Abandoned Robotics facility (Any Planet) On a bench against the wall in a room to the left as you enter from one of the doors. for reference, there is also a Research lab in the room.

Va'ruun Scripture[]

The Va'ruun Scripture skill books an increase in stealth by 1% and melee sneak attacks by 5%.

Name Location Notes
Va'ruun Scripture 01 UC Security Office - Jemison, New Atlantis (Alpha Centuari System) Enter the UC Security Office near the spaceport. Go to the very far end of the building, until you reach the cells. In the unlocked cell located to the very far end left, the magazine is lying on the floor near under the bed.
Va'ruun Scripture 02 Starstation UCN-48 - Muphrid On the top floor under a bed.
Va'ruun Scripture 03 The Stretch in Ruined Square Structure - Akila City, Akila (Cheyenne System) About halfway through "The Stretch" and below "The Rock Employee Residence" sign is an open square structure with a stone snake statue inside on a table. The Va'ruun Scripture 03 is in the back right of the room next to a yellow barrel, set upside down in a lone drawer.
Va'ruun Scripture 04 Eren's Camp - Hyla II (Hyla system). Top floor of Eren's camp, right behind Eren's tablet.

Location appears when doing Andreja friend quest "Divided Loyalties"

Va'ruun Scripture 05 The Clinic - Narion The VIP wing become accessible during the Freestar Ranger quest "Surgical Strike". When you enter the VIP section there will be a dead body on the floor. Turn right at the body, go through the open door, and the magazine will be on the side table past the couch.
Va'ruun Scripture 06 Va'ruun Embassy - UC Mast, New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) You will have to proceed through with the UC Vanguard Faction questline. During one point in your mission, (the quest "Friends Like These") you will be given the key to enter the old Va'ruun Embassy which is only accessible with such key and through a door in between the embassy and Gelbank. Once you reach the end of the mini sidequest in the building, enter the man's bedroom and the magazine will be located near under his bed.

Patch: v1.8.87.0 beta) Found this on a table about halfway through the Embassy mini-quest. In a room with 2 bunkbeds and a barbell by the table.

Va'ruun Scripture 07 Ka'zaal Sulfur Mine (Ka'zaal, Moon of Kazarah, Nirah system) At the top of the facility are some habs, the magazine is on a shelf in the room with all the bunk beds that's on the upper floor.
Va'ruun Scripture 08 Abandoned Hangar (Any Planet) Reach the surface by taking the elevator from the hangar. Once you reach it, locate a building painted mostly in red with a graffiti the Crimson Fleet symbol near the opening of the building. Inside the building, enter the office to your right. The magazine will be sitting on the desk beside the computer.
Va'ruun Scripture 09 Abandoned Industrial Compound (Any Planet) In an open locker in the bunkroom off the side of the computer center.
Va'ruun Scripture 10 Abandoned Mines, Mars (Sol System) Found during the UC Vanguard Mission, Delivering Devils. Halfway through the mines in a large area with crew quarter habitats, the book is located on the second floor on a table near a Research Lab.

Can be found outside the mission by going to Abandoned Mines location from outside Cydonia.

Vanguard Space Tactics[]

  • Tactics 01: Ship missiles permanently deal 5% more damage.
  • Tactics 02: Ship energy weapons permanently deal 5% more damage.
  • Tactics 03; Permanently increase ship repair speed by 5%.
  • Tactics 04: Permanently take 5% less damage from other ships.
  • Tactics 05: Ship particle weapons permanently deal 5% more damage.
Name Location Notes
Vanguard Space Tactics 01 Flight Simulator - New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri System) Near the start of the UC Vanguard Mission, enter the Flight Simulator room, and look in a break room area to the side of the simulators.
Vanguard Space Tactics 02 Red Devils HQ - Mars, Cydonia (Alpha Centauri System) The magazine is located in an area unlocked during the UC Vanguard Mission, "Delivering Devils” called “Red Devils HQ” which remains accessible afterwards. Upon entering, proceed straight ahead until you get to an intersection. Make a left and go as far as you can until you reach a railing and stairs left and right. Overlooking, you can see 9 large computer screens on the wall. The magazine is on the white table below the bottom left screen.
Vanguard Space Tactics 03 Colander - Ship (Orbit around Schrodinger III in the Schrodinger System) Progress through the ship until you lift the lockdown. On the first level, the circular door at the opposite end of the area from where your ship is docked will be open, the magazine is on a desk inside.
Vanguard Space Tactics 04 Deimos Armored Transport - around Grissom, moon of Bondar (Alpha Centauri system) On the second floor near the entrance, in an office on the desk. Part of the quest "Sure Bet" gained from Lizzy in Gagarin Landing.

(Accessible even without the quest)

Vanguard Space Tactics 05 The Sonder space station, Bessel II (Bessel system) Upstairs, in a brown room, on a counter next to a storage crate and Industrial Workbench. (Before the stairs up to the control room)