Starfield Wiki

Special Projects is a Master Science Skill. It is a high-end Crafting skill.


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Craft 10 common or uncommon manufactured components You can research experimental projects at a Research Lab.
2 Craft 10 rare manufactured components You can craft rare manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench.
3 Craft 10 exotic manufactured components You can craft exotic manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench.
4 N/A You can craft unique manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench. Outpost extractors have a chance to produce additional resources.

Progression and Strategy[]

Special Projects isn't hard to level if the player is willing to buy crafting materials or has a robust Outpost supply line.

Special Projects is the peak crafting skill. Any player interested in crafting should go for it once they get a high level character.

Special Projects partners well with Research Methods.

