Starfield Wiki

Targeting is an Expert Combat Skill. It improves the Spacefarer's accuracy and range when shooting without aiming.[1]


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Kill 50 enemies without aiming with a ranged weapon. Increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to one enemy within 25m that damages you.
2 Kill 125 enemies without aiming with a ranged weapon. Notably Increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to two enemies within 50m that damages you.
3 Kill 250 enemies without aiming with a ranged weapon. Greatly increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to three enemies within 75m that damage you.
4 N/A Greatly increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to four enemies within 100m that damage you.


  1. Bethesda Gamestudios via YouTube, Starfield Official Gameplay Reveal, uploaded 12 June 2022