Water is a common inorganic resource item. It is used for research and crafting.
Water can be harvested from planets. Depending on planet conditions, water may be present in either liquid or solid form (i.e. ice). Water collection can be automated at Outposts. Water is useful for many crafting recipes. Its low price make it affordable to purchase in bulk as a substitute for collection.
Water can be found on planets whether or not life is present.
Skills such as Outpost Engineering or Geology may enhance the player's ability to collect water. Skills such as Research Methods, Chemistry, and Gastronomy may enhance the player's ability to use Water for crafting.

Extracted With[]
Required For[]
Found On[]
- Ariel
- Charon
- Dione
- Earth
- Enceladus
- Europa
- Ganymede
- Iapetus
- Jemison
- Mars
- Mimas
- Miranda
- Oberon
- Pluto
- Rhea
- Tethys
- Titan
- Titania
- Triton
- Venus