Starfield Wiki

Zoology is an Advanced Science Skill. It centered around scanning and harvesting wild animals for crafting resources.


Rank Challenge Bonuses
1 Harvest organic resources from 20 creatures Get more common organic resources from creatures and harvest from them without harming them, learn additional info about them from the scanner, and allows you to produce animal resources at your outposts.
2 Harvest organic resources from 50 creatures Get more uncommon organic resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.
3 Harvest organic resources from 100 creatures Get more rare organic resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.
4 N/A Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.

Progression and Strategy[]

Zoology is relatively easy to level. Land on habitable worlds, hunt wild animals, and harvest. Repeat as needed. Both Jemison (where New Atlantis is) and Akila (where Akila City is) have plenty of wild animals.

Zoology is a niche skill. It is good for either exploration-minded players, who want to get planet scans done quickly. It can also be good for outpost-minded players, who want to build an alien space farm. A distant third is crafting-minded players, who can't get enough crafting materials.

However, it can also be used as a means of rapidly spawning animals for experience farming, becoming increasingly useful as players reach higher levels.

Animal Husbandry[]

In order to build a animal husbandry facility, these three conditions must be met:

  • The building must be built on the same planet where the animal naturally resides.
  • The fauna must be fully scanned to 100%.
  • The fauna's description (when selected by the scanner) must read, "outpost production allowed" on the bottom.

Failing any one of these three requirements, you will not be able to farm the animal for it's resources. Doing this for a single animal will grant you the ability to place the animal husbandry facility, and allow you see all of the other possible resources that you can extract from all the planet's fauna once they have been fully scanned.

